Rift Builds[dot]Blogspot[dot]com is build guides for players of Rift. This site has complete sets of builds from the four callings (Rift Warrior Build, Rift Mage Builds, Rift Rogue Builds and Rift Cleric Builds) and each soul combination.
Rift Builds also contain most popular rift builds combinations for level 50 toons. Either falls in PvP or PvE category, Melee DPS, Ranged DPS, Utility, Healer or Tank types. Rift Builds Videos and Rift Builds Top Skills.
Disclaimer to any sites, this just personal blogs to help out fellow Rift players with rift builds.
The content still at 2nd version and still need to update if found more information needed, or if you have suggestions or comments email me at mscadaing[at]gmail[dot]com.
Rift Builds
Rift Builds. Guides and talent builds for your chosen callings. Warrior Builds, Rogue Builds, Mage Builds, and Cleric Builds
Rift Warden Builds

Rift Warden Strengths: The Warden excels at slowly stacking powerful healing energies on their allies. Given sufficient time to put down magic, a Warden can bolster their allies through even the most grueling struggles.
Rift Warden Weaknesses: Unable to weave their protective spells quickly enough to beat a concentrated attack, Wardens have little defense against a rapid or group assault.
Warden PvE Healer Build 1 Warden (26) | Purifier (20) | Sentinel (20) | Warden PvE Healer Build 2 Warden (38) | Purifier (17) | Inquisitor (11) |
Warden PvP Healer Build 1 Warden (38) | Purifier (28) | Templar (0) | Warden PvP Healer Build 2 Warden (28) | Sentinel (20) |Templar (18) |
Warden PvE Ranged Build 1 Warden (31) | Inquisitor (18) |Cabalist (16) | Warden PvE Ranged Build 2 Warden (32) | Inquisitor (32) |Cabalist (2) |
| Cascade - Renews the ally’s mind with thoughts of gentle, flowing waters, causing the ally to regain 15% of their maximum Mana over 3 seconds. | | Diona's Gift - Increases the healing bonus granted by your Tidal Surge by 30%. |
| Healing Showers - Surrounds the Cleric with soothing rain, healing up to 10 party or raid members within 7 meters for 495 Health over 12 seconds. | | Orbs of the Stream - Surrounds the ally with 3 orbs. When the ally takes damage, an orb explodes, healing them for 521 to 528 health. |
| Overflow - When you Critically Hit with a heal, the ally gains Overflow for 15 seconds. The next time they take damage, they receive healing equal to your Wisdom. | | Ripple - Weaves rippling waves into the Cleric’s spells, causing any single target, Water-based heal over time spells they cast to affect up to 5 additional party or raid members within 15 meters. Does not trigger a global cooldown. Lasts 6 seconds. |
| Rising Waters - Increases the additional healing done by your Deluge by 30%. | | Reduces the mana cost of your next heal over time spell by 30% whenever you Critically Hit with a Water-based ability. |
Rift Templar Builds

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Templar PvP Healer Build Templar (26) | Purifier (24) | Sentinel (16) |
| Blessing of Stone - While you are stunned, 20% of all damage taken is converted into healing which affects all nearby party or raid members, excepting the Cleric. | | Bulwark of Will - Grants immunity to Crowd Control and increases damage and healing done to players by 10% for 10 seconds. |
| Creeping Remedy - Your single target heals heal one additional party or raid member for 50% of the healing done. | | Ethereal Shell - Whenever you are afflicted by Stun, Root, or Silence, you take 25% less damage from players for the next 8 seconds. |
| Mark of Purification - Your single target heals have a 25% chance to remove a single Curse, Disease, or Poison. | | Overload - Causes all damage done to the ally to reflect 50% back onto the enemy and convert 50% into healing. Lasts 8 seconds. |
| Retribution - Transfers 50% of all healing used on the enemy to the Cleric. Lasts 15 seconds. | | Spirits of Life - Summons a Spirit of Life which heals nearby party or raid members for 389 to 395 health every 2 seconds. Lasts 30 seconds. |
Rift Shaman Builds
Rift Shaman Strengths: A Shaman strikes solid such as the fury of the winter storm. He can quickly close in to melee and unleash powerful blows fueled by muscle and magic.
Rift Shaman Weaknesses: Shamans lack other clerics’ abilities to bolster defenses and heal grievous wounds, so that they fare poorly against foes with a strong defense of their own or who can keep your Shaman at bay.
Shaman PvE Healer Build 1 Shaman (27) | Sentinel (21) | Warden (18) | Shaman PvE Healer Build 2 Shaman (31) | Purifier (20) | Sentinel (14) |
Shaman PvP Healer Build Shaman (32) | Shaman (32) | Templar (2) | Shaman PvE Melee Build 1 Shaman (45) | Inquisitor (11) | Sentinel (10) |
Shaman PvE Melee Build 2 Shaman (38) | Justicar (16) | Warden (11) | Shaman PvE Ranged Build 1 Shaman (32) | Druid (31) | Inquisitor (03) |
Shaman PvE Ranged Build 2 Shaman (32) | Druid (23) | Cabalist (11) | Shaman PvE Ranged Build 3 Shaman (32) | Inquisitor (22) | Cabalist (12) |
| Battle Charge - Charges at the enemy, dealing weapon plus 55 to 59 Physical damage. The momentum of the strike causes the enemy to be Snared by 70% for 6 seconds. | | Brutalize - Your Massive Blow causes the enemy to bleed, dealing an additional 40% damage over 4 seconds. |
| Eye of the Storm - Your Strike of the Maelstrom deals an additional 60% Air damage over 4 seconds. | | Your Massive Blow has a 30% additional chance to Critically Hit. |
| Lust for Blood - Your Critical Hits with melee attack abilities cause you to deal an additional 30% damage with your next Physical ability. | | Rage of the North - Enrages the Cleric, causing all of their melee attacks to Critically Hit for the next 7 seconds. Does not trigger a global cooldown. |
| Stormborn - Increases your Air damage by 50%. | | Strike of the Maelstrom - A sweeping strike that deals weapon plus 88 to 92 Physical damage to up to 6 enemies within 7 meters. |
Rift Sentinel Builds
Rift Sentinel Strengths: Sentinels are defensive clerics who excel at group support. Their divine powers aid the weak and ensure that everybody within their group lives with the fray.
Rift Sentinel Weaknesses: Sentinels sacrifice offense for any strong defense, and thus find it difficult to deal massive harm to their opponents.
Sentinel PvE Healer Build 1 Sentinel (25) | Warden (21) | Purifier (20) | Sentinel PvE Healer Build 2 Sentinel (44) | Justicar (12) | Warden (10) |
Sentinel PvP Healer Build 1 Sentinel (25) | Templar (21) | Warden (20) | Sentinel PvP Healer Build 2 Sentinel (33) | Templar (21) | Purifier (12) |
Sentinel PvE Ranged Build 1 Sentinel (26) | Inquisitor (22) | Cabalist (18) | Sentinel PvE Ranged Build 2 Sentinel (31) | Druid (20) | Inquisitor (15) |
| Empowering Light - Bathes the area surrounding the Cleric with holy light, removing 1 Curse, Disease, or Poison from up to 10 party or raid members within 15 meters. | | Healer's Haste - Empowers the Cleric to respond with great urgency, reducing the cast time of their next 5 healing spells by 30%. |
| Healing Invocation - Fills the ally with healing light, healing them for 598 to 605 health. | | Lasting Invocation - Your Healing Invocation heals for an additional 30% of its total amount over 8 seconds. |
| Protect the Flock - Your area effect heals cause their targets to take 5% less damage for 6 seconds. | | Serendipity - When you Critically Hit with a heal, the cast time of your next heal is reduced by 1.5 seconds. |
| Shared Recovery - Heals both the Cleric and the ally for 275 to 281 health. | | Vested Interest - Reduces the cast time of your Shared Recovery by 0.5 seconds. |
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